Humminbird® File Structure


PING-Mapper is a new and optimized version of PyHum [1] [2]. Since the release of PyHum, additional and enhanced functionality has been identified by the software authors and end-users, including Python 3 compatibility. This can only be achieved with a complete understanding of the Humminbird® recording file structure. This report documents new findings on the file structure of Humminbird® sonar recordings, essential for processing and exporting raw sonar data.

SD Card Files

Sonar recordings from Humminbird® side imaging sonar systems are saved to a SD card inserted into the control head. Each sonar recording consists of a DAT file and commonly named subdirectory containing SON and IDX files. The directory of saved recordings have the following structure:

├── Rec00001
│   ├── B001.IDX
│   ├── B001.SON
│   ├── B002.IDX
│   ├── B002.SON
│   ├── B003.IDX
│   ├── B003.SON
│   ├── B004.IDX
│   └── B004.IDX
├── Rec00002
│   ├── B001.IDX
│   ├── B001.SON
│   ├── B002.IDX
│   ├── B002.SON
│   ├── B003.IDX
│   ├── B003.SON
│   ├── B004.IDX
│   └── B004.IDX

DAT File Structure

The DAT file contains metadata that applies to the sonar recording. It includes information related water type specified on the sonar unit, the Unix date and time when the sonar recording began, geographic location where the recording began, name of the recording, number of sonar records, and length of the recording. The size (in bytes) of the DAT file varies by Humminbird® model (and potentially firmware). The following sections indicate the offset from start of the DAT file and description of the data for each model.

9xx/ 11xx/ Helix/ Solix Series

The DAT file structure is the same for the 9xx, 11xx, Helix, and Solix series models.

TABLE: DAT Structure

Name Offset (9xx, 11xx, Helix) Offset (Solix) Description
DAT Beginning +0 +0 Beginning of DAT File
Water Type +1 +1 0=’fresh’ (freshwater); 1=’deep salt’; 2=’shallow salt’; otherwise=’unknown’
- +2-3 +2-3 -
Firmware Version (?) +4 +4 Installed firmware version (?)
- +8-19 +8-19 -
Unix Date/Time +20 +20 Recording start date and time
UTM X +24 +24 EPSG 3395 Easting
UTM Y +28 +28 EPSG 3395 Northing
Recording Name +32 +32 Recording name
- +42-43 +42-43 Unknown
Number of Records +44 +44 Number of pings
Length +48 +48 Length (in milliseconds) of sonar recording
- +52-59 +52-91 -
DAT End +60 +92 End of DAT File

Onix Series

The Onix series has a different structure from other Humminbird® models. The first 24 bytes are in binary containing information about water type, number of pings in the recording, total time of recording, and ping size in bytes. Following the binary header are ascii strings (human readable) containing additional information, with each piece of information encapsulated with <attribute=value>.

TABLE: Binary Header

Name Offset Description
DAT Beginning +0 Beginning of DAT File
Water Type +1 0=’fresh’ (freshwater); 1=’deep salt’; 2=’shallow salt’; otherwise=’unknown’
Unknown +2-3 -
Number of Pings +4 Number of sonar records/pings
Length +8 Length (in milliseconds) of sonar recording
Ping Size (Bytes) +12 Number of returns per ping
First Ping Period +16 First ping period (in milliseconds)
Beam Mask +20 Unknown
Spacer +24 Spacer preceding ascii text

TABLE: Ascii Text

Name Example
Version < Version=SonarRecordThumbVersion >
Number of Pings < NumberOfPings=11712 >
Total Time Ms < TotalTimeMs=143092 >
Ping Size Bytes < PingSizeBytes=1652 >
First Ping Period < FirstPingPeriodMs=1 >
Beam Mask < BeamMask=30 >
Chirp 1 Start Freq < Chirp1StartFrequency=0 >
Chirp 1 End Freq < Chirp1EndFrequency=0 >
Chirp 2 Start Freq < Chirp2StartFrequency=0 >
Chirp 2 End Freq < Chirp2EndFrequency=0 >
Chirp 3 Start Freq < Chirp3StartFrequency=0 >
Chirp 3 End Freq < Chirp3EndFrequency=0 >
Source Device Model ID 2D < SourceDeviceModelId2D=1001 >
Source Device Model ID SI < SourceDeviceModelIdSI=1001 >
Source Device Model ID DI < SourceDeviceModelIdDI=1001 >

IDX and SON File Structure

A SON file contains every sonar ping for a specific sonar channel (see table below) while the IDX file stores the byte offset and time ellapsed for each sonar ping. The IDX file allows quick navigation to locate pings in the SON file but can become corrupt due to power failure during the survey. Decoding the SON file without the IDX file requires additional information, outlined in the sections below.

TABLE: Sonar Channel File Names

File Name Description Frequency
B000.SON Down Scan Low Frequency 50/83 kHz
B001.SON Down Scan High Frequency 200 kHz
B002.SON Side Scan Port 455/800/1,200 kHz
B003.SON Side Scan Starboard 455/800/1,200 kHz
B004.SON Down Scan MEGA Frequency 1,200 kHz

Each SON file contains all the pings (ping header and returns) that were recorded. Each ping begins with a header, containing metadata specific to that ping (see Header Structure below). The header is followed by 8-bit (0-255 Integer) values representing the returns for that ping. All data stored in SON files are signed integer big endian.

Ping Structure

The number of bytes for a ping varies in two ways. First, the number of bytes corresponding to ping attributes vary by model (and potentially firmware version), resulting in varying header length. Second, the number of ping returns vary depending on the range set while recording the sonar. The variability in the size of a ping across recordings and Humminbird® models make automatic decoding of the file a non-trivial task. Consistent structure between recordings and Humminbird® models, however, has been identified.

Each ping begins with the same four hexidecimal values: C0 DE AB 21. This sequence is common to all sonar recordings encountered to date. The header then terminates with the following hexidecimal sequence: A0 ** ** ** ** 21 where the ** ** ** ** is a 32-byte unsigned integer indicating the number of sonar returns that are recorded immediately after 21. By counting the number of bytes beginning at C0 and terminating at 21, the correct header length can be determined. Three different header lengths have been identified:

TABLE: Header Length by Model

Header Length Humminbird Model
67 Bytes 9xx
72 Bytes 11xx, Helix, Onix
152 Bytes Solix

Header Structure

The header for a ping contains attributes specific to that ping. Information about the ping location, time elapsed since beginning of the recording, heading, speed, depth, etc. are contained in this structure. The attribute is preceded by a hexidecimal value that is unique for the data that follows, referred to as a tag. For example, Depth is tagged by a hexidecimal value of 87. While the variety of information stored in the header varies by Humminbird® model, tags consistently identify the type of information that follows. The following sections indicate the tags, the attribute that follows the tag, and byte offset for the attribute by model.

TABLE: Ping Header Structure

Name Description Hex Tag 9xx 11xx, Helix, Onix Solix
Ping #1 Beginning of ping C0 +0 +0 +0
Header Start Beginning of ping header 21 +3 +3 +3
Record Number Unique ping ID 80 +5 +5 +5
Time Elapsed Time elapsed (msec) 81 +10 +10 +10
UTM X EPSG 3395 easting coord. 82 +15 +15 +15
UTM Y EPSG 3395 northing coord. 83 +20 +20 +20
Heading Quality Quality flag1 84 +25 +25 +25
Heading Vessel heading (1/10 deg) - +27 +27 +27
Speed Quality Quality flag1 85 +30 +30 +30
Speed Vessel speed (cm/sec) - +32 +32 +32
NA Unknown data contents 86 - +35 +35
Depth Sonar depth (cm) 87 +35 +40 +40
NA Unknown data contents - - - +44-83
Sonar Beam Sonar beam ID2 50 +40 +45 +85
Voltage Scale Voltage scale (1/10 volt) 51 +42 +47 +87
Frequency Sonar beam frequency (Hz) 92 +44 +49 +89
NA Unknown data contents - +48-60 +53-65 +89-145
Return Count Number ping returns (n) A0 +62 +67 +147
Header End End of ping header 21 +66 +72 +152
Ping Returns Sonar intensity [0-255] 21 +67 +73 +152
Ping #2 Beginning of ping C0 +67+n+1 +73+n+1 +152+n+1


[1] Buscombe, D., Grams, P. E., & Smith, S. M. C. (2015). Automated Riverbed Sediment Classification Using Low-Cost Sidescan Sonar. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(2), 06015019.

[2] Buscombe, D. (2017). Shallow water benthic imaging and substrate characterization using recreational-grade sidescan-sonar. Environmental Modelling and Software, 89, 1–18.

  1. 0=bad; 1=good.  2

  2. See Sonar Channel File Names table for frequency values. 

  3. Pattern repeats for duration of sonar recording. 

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This study was made possible by a partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Northern Arizona University. Funding for this work was provided by the Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group to restore natural resources injured by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The contents of this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or Northern Arizona University. Copyright © 2024 Cameron Bodine.