Publications & Featured Projects

The page lists all publications about PING-Mapper, all known publications that use PING-Mapper, or projects which are currently utilizing PING-Mapper. If you have used PING-Mapper for your project or used it as part of a publication, please submit additional information on GitHub

Publications about the Software

  • Bodine, C. S., Buscombe, D., Best, R. J., Redner, J. A., & Kaeser, A. J. (2022). PING-Mapper: Open-source software for automated benthic imaging and mapping using recreation-grade sonar. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002469.

  • Bodine, C. S., Buscombe, D., & Hocking, T. D. (2024). Automated river substrate mapping from sonar imagery with machine learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Machine Learning and Computation, 1, e2024JH000135.

Publications that Use the Software

  • Biber, P., Oguntuase, J., Raber, G., & Waldron, M. (2023). Assessing the Effectiveness of Seagrass Detection Using Drone and Sonar Based Methods. OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast, 1–6.

Projects that Use the Software

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This study was made possible by a partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Northern Arizona University. Funding for this work was provided by the Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group to restore natural resources injured by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The contents of this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or Northern Arizona University. Copyright © 2024 Cameron Bodine.